suid-wrap is a suid wrapper for scripts. All you have to do is to run suid-wrap with your script as parameter
For instance, if you were to execute a script called my-script with two parameters, param1 and param2 respectively, you would issue the following command:
root@oasis:~# suid-wrap "my-script param1 param2"
suid-wrap is hosted on Sourceforge, so the latest version can always be downloaded the usual way:
There is a source tarball and debian package for the i386 platform. If enough people bug me about it I might release a binary tarball and/or Redhat rpm package, but I'm not really in the mood for that (:
If you like this program, you might be interested in the other isp utilities I've written. They can all be found here.
I have also written many other programs and scripts which might be of some use to you. They can all be found on my home page.
Last updated: Thu Nov 22 17:11:47 2000